How To Write A Choose Your Own Adventure Book

How To Write A Choose Your Own Adventure Book

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What Is a Choose Your Own Adventure Book?

A Choose Your Own Adventure book is a type of interactive fiction in which readers are presented with a series of choices that affect the outcome of the story. Readers make decisions as they progress through the book, leading them down different story paths and resulting in different endings. These books are often written in the second-person point of view to give the reader the feeling that they are part of the story. Choose Your Own Adventure books have been around since the late 1970s, and they remain popular today.

Choose Your Own Adventure Book Ideas

When writing a Choose Your Own Adventure book, it is important to have a good idea for the story. A good starting point is to think of a central character and a goal they want to achieve. Once you have a protagonist and a goal, you can start developing the plot and the choices that the reader will have to make. You can also draw on your own experiences for inspiration, or look to popular books, films, and TV shows for ideas.

Creating the Story Structure

Once you have an idea for a Choose Your Own Adventure book, you need to create the story structure. This begins with the introduction, which should introduce the protagonist and the goal they want to achieve. From there, you can create a series of scenes that will move the story forward and provide the reader with choices. Be sure to include different endings for each of the story paths. At the end of the book, you can provide a conclusion that ties together all of the different endings.

Writing the Story

When writing the story, your goal should be to make the reader feel like they are part of the story. Use language that will draw the reader in and make them feel like they are making the decisions as they read. You can also use descriptions and dialogue to help bring the story to life.

Making Decisions for the Reader

Making decisions for the reader is one of the most important aspects of writing a Choose Your Own Adventure book. As the reader progresses through the story, they will be presented with choices. You need to think carefully about these choices and how they will affect the outcome of the story. It is important to have a good balance of easy and difficult choices, as well as choices that will lead to different endings.

Designing the Book

Once you have written the story, you need to think about how you want to present it. You can design the book yourself, or you can hire a professional designer. Consider factors such as the size, layout, and cover of the book. If you are self-publishing, you may also need to think about formatting the book for different e-book retailers.

Publishing Your Book

Once the book is written and designed, it is time to publish it. If you are self-publishing, you can use a platform such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Apple Books to make the book available to readers. You can also choose to submit the book to a traditional publisher. If you go this route, you may need to hire a literary agent to help you find a publisher.

Marketing Your Book

Once your book is published, it is important to market it so that people will know about it. Consider creating a website to promote the book, and be sure to use social media to reach potential readers. You can also reach out to book bloggers and book reviewers to get the word out about your book.


Writing a Choose Your Own Adventure book can be a fun and rewarding experience. With a good idea and a bit of creativity, you can create an interactive story that readers will enjoy. Just remember to develop a compelling story structure, write engaging scenes, and make sure to market the book once it is published. With a bit of effort, you can create a Choose Your Own Adventure book that readers will love.