How To Create A Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose your own adventure template MRS PRIESTLEY ICT
Choose your own adventure template MRS PRIESTLEY ICT from

Choose your own adventure stories are a fun and exciting way to engage readers. They get to make decisions and explore different paths as they journey through the story. It’s a great way to help children learn problem-solving skills, and it’s also a great tool to use in the classroom to help liven up any lesson. Here are some tips to help you create your own choose your own adventure story.

1. Brainstorm Your Story

The first step in creating your own choose your own adventure story is to brainstorm your story. Start by writing down the main plot of the story. This should include the beginning, middle, and end. Then, think about the different paths the reader can take throughout the story. Make sure each path has a logical outcome. Finally, write down the different outcomes that can happen depending on the reader’s choices.

2. Write the Story

Once you have your story mapped out, it’s time to start writing. Start at the beginning and write out the plot. As you write, add in the different paths the reader can take. At each point in the story, add in a decision point. Make sure to keep the reader’s choices limited so they have to think through each choice. Be sure to leave enough room for the reader to explore each path.

3. Create the Outcomes

Now that you have your story written, it’s time to create the outcomes for each decision the reader can make. Think through each path and write out the possible outcomes. Make sure the outcomes are logical and relate to the reader’s decision. It’s important to keep the reader’s choices limited so they don’t get overwhelmed.

4. Test Your Story

Before you share your story with others, make sure to test it out. Test out each path and each decision. Make sure the outcome makes sense and is relevant to the reader’s decision. This will help ensure your story is engaging and logical.

5. Share Your Story

Once you’ve tested and edited your story, it’s time to share it with the world. You can share your story online, in a print book, or in the classroom. No matter where you share it, it’s important to make sure it’s engaging and entertaining for your readers.

6. Get Feedback

It’s important to get feedback from your readers so you can make any necessary changes or improvements to your story. Ask your readers for their honest opinion and see if there are any decisions or outcomes you need to change. This will help you create a better story for your readers.

7. Keep Writing

Creating a choose your own adventure story can be a lot of work, but it can also be a lot of fun. Keep writing and exploring new paths and outcomes. You’ll be able to create a story that your readers will love.


Creating a choose your own adventure story is a great way to engage readers and help them learn problem-solving skills. Brainstorm your story, write it out, create the outcomes, test it, share it, and get feedback. Keep writing and exploring new paths and outcomes to create a story your readers will love.


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